Cold War Research (3.10.20)

Image result for east and west germany

Image result for marshall plan map

Image result for korean war map


Learning Goal: Gain a deeper understanding of a core point of contention in the Cold War.

Step One: Choose a Topic

  1. The Marshall Plan
  2. Berlin 1945 – 1949
  3. The Korean War

Step Two: Choose a Format

  1. 300-word, typed report plus two illustrations with substantial captions
  2. 12-panel storyboard with at least 3-4 sentences of explanation per panel

Step Three: Details to be included in your final product:

  1. The relevant situation at the end of WWII
  2. Action events that deepened animosity between America and the Soviet Union
  3. How things stood in 1950, or 1953 if doing the Korean War

Due date: the end of class Friday, March 13. Submit through Teams.

Don’t Plagiarize!!!

Cold War Research (3.21.19)

Learning Goal: Gain a deeper understanding of a core point of contention in the Cold War.

Step One: Choose a Topic

  1. The Marshall Plan
  2. Berlin 1945 – 1949
  3. The Korean War

Step Two: Choose a Format

  1. 300-word, typed report plus two illustrations with captions
  2. 12-panel storyboard

Step Three: Details to be included in your final product:

  1. The relevant situation at the end of WWII
  2. Action events that deepened animosity between America and the Soviet Union
  3. How things stood in 1950, or 1953 if doing the Korean War

Due date: When you come to class on Tuesday, March 26.

Don’t Plagiarize!!!

Disaster Preparedness (3.19.18)

Disaster preparedness was not a “thing” in the USA until the Red Scares of the late-1940s and the 1950s. It then fell out of favor until fears of terrorism revived it after 9/11.

Your task will be to compare and contrast disaster preparedness of our current time to that of the 1950s.

On Tuesday, you will use your text book to create a VENN diagram of your findings from now with those of the 1950s.

Monday’s Task: Summarize the following suggestions from the Department of Homeland Security. Do not try to get everything down, simply the general suggestions. Note anything unusual or that you do not understand.

Today is the only class time to work on this! 

Korean War Story Board

Step One: Watch this short video on the Korean War, and take notes.

Step Two: Plan a short film of the Korean War

  • Draft 18 scenes on your story board (18 small drawings with accompanying captions)
  • Include introductory, rising action, and culminating events (start, middle, end)
  • Tell the story of the war from 1950 to the settling of the DMZ line
  • You may tell about the war from any perspective – North, South, American
  • Use Chapter 12, Section 2 (pages 406 – 411) as reference